Birdie's First PLAYbook

Welcome to Birdie's First PLAYbook!

This course includes 5 of Birdie's First PLAYbooks along with Birdie's Magic Materials. ( to be shipped following purchase) Each PLAYbook is filled with 8 of Birdie's adventures. Each week, Birdie will take you and the young children at your facility through a series of golf activities that leverage the two most powerful modalities of early learning; PLAY and STORY.

Birdie's Magic Materials allow for you to create a visually inviting learning environment as well as provide opportunities for hands on learning.

Each PLAYbook contains 15 of Birdie's core Birdie-isms- a language that resonates with young children and guides them through the fundamentals of golf.

For more adventures, Birdie-isms, classroom management resources, parent guides, coloring books and many more props that engage we hope you'll consider becoming a Premier Birdie Basics Member.

Until then let's create, connect, empower and PLAY!

“A leader is anyone who takes responsibility for finding the potential in people and processes, and who has the courage to develop that potential.”

With Gratitude,

Momma Birdie

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